Why Are We "There"?

September 22, 2024

by Seth Kenvin

sometimes, There is another dimension

There.App Co launches with distinction. We uniquely upgrade planning and executing location-centric projects up to high professional standards. While lots of collaboration tools demonstrate some capabilities to help people working mostly from desks, our team’s experiences have shown us needs for better approaches when pro-caliber activities get mobile, and it matters where there is.

I can fairly be labeled “professional”. I studied engineering and business, have worked in banking, research, analysis, investing and multiple aspects of start-up operations, including business planning, fundraising, recruiting, product management, marketing and sales.

My work tends to be collaborative — sometimes with colleagues, all of us employed by the same company, and sometimes across organizations like with partners, agencies or customers, or in more fundamentally diverse affiliations like boards with members who each work for different companies.

In my professional collaboration experiences, most of the efforts and accomplishments happen with teammates working from wherever, which could be company HQ, a branch, person’s home office, hotel room…maybe some places they don’t want me to know about, which is fine as there’s plenty on my mind. And I’m often not eager for them to pinpoint my whereabouts either. 

In these circumstances, as they apply to our shared project goals, we can discard consideration of where everyone is, which tends to be a relief with the intricacies of aligning who’s involved, why we’re collaborating, what we’re trying to accomplish, how we’re going to do that, and by when we’ll be done.

But sometimes who’s where really does matter. This could be organizing an off-site meeting, shooting a video, exhibiting at a tradeshow, taking a pitch on the road. Understanding where things have to happen relative to key people’s locations can suddenly become the most crucial question to answer. Maybe it’s a kickoff meeting that can’t start until the executive in charge shows up, or a VIP closing meal with a last minute venue change, or a key prospect who just showed up at a tradeshow booth asking if their favorite salesperson is nearby.

When business hits the road, time gets more expensive and opportunities get more fleeting, and a few extra moments of figuring out where to be and how to get there could be the difference between scoring a big deal and just missing someone who had to catch a flight. When we share goals on-site and on our feet, let's ensure we know what needs to happen where, with contingency plans at hand if circumstances change.

During the height of the pandemic, we got pretty effective and creative at collaborating from a distance when required. But now, as we progress to less office-centric operations, it’s great timing to focus on improving execution when  teams gather on-site, as those situations become more frequent, energized, and strategically vital.

Understanding the opportunities and importance of better on-location teamwork drives There.App Co. Users of our software gain intelligence and control over how their teams come together in the places where important goals are accomplished.

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